Advertising with G&S WA

The Gilbert & Sullivan Society of Western Australia offers competitive rates for individuals, businesses and other theatre companies for advertising within our programmes. Well designed and informative, programme placement can offer your brand an approachable advertising option to the discerning theatre patron.

Our Audience
G&S WA performs two major seasons at the popular Dolphin Theatre close to the CBD, and smaller seasons at well-appointed locations in the Perth metropolitan area. One of Western Australia’s leading light opera companies, G&S WA has been entertaining the people of Perth since 1951, and over seven decades the Society has brought laughter and joy to generations of Western Australians. 

We stage quality productions which in turn attract audiences throughout greater Perth and even regional WA. We can target a wide range of demographics from university aged music students, parents with small children, through to active and enthused retirees.

Our Programme
Each program printed for our productions showcases not only the talented production creatives, our gifted cast and insightful material about the show; but our dedicated sponsors and fellow musical theatre companies.

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Advertising Rates & Sizing

Commercial Rate

Quarter page: $150
Half page: $300
Full page: $600

Not-for-profit Rate

Quarter page: $100 
Half page: $200 
Full page: $400